Haley's Story

“Hang in there.” Those are the words I muttered with tears rolling down  my face just last year. “I would say hang in there,” I tell our counselor,  Jeff. 
He asked me if I could go back and tell myself anything what would I  say. I go on to quietly squeak out that I would want to know that it was  all worth it. That the fight and the courage it took to live out my 20’s  would propel me into the person I am today and that it was all going to  be okay, better than “okay”. With help, I was going to grow into a life  that I loved. Yes it was going to be hard, but we can do hard things.  Beauty is found in the hard. 
It has been 15 years since I found out I was pregnant. It was the day  before my 22nd birthday. Surprise! During a season riddled with loss  and heartbreak for my family, a season flooded with confusion and  wondering, I was now bringing a whole new human into this  world. 

What I didn’t know was that this baby was going to be what God used  as a catalyst in my life, our life as a family. 

It took Lane and I four months to tell our families that I was pregnant,  except for my brother who knew first, which gave me an anchor that I  didn’t know I needed. Looking back, I am so grateful for our relationship  and the friend that I found in him. The second person we told was our  dear friend and college pastor, Ruth. The support and love she gave us  was truly a gift. She was someone to talk with, ask questions to, and  lean on. I’m pretty sure she never thought she would be thrown into that  role early in her pastoral career. Even still, she had a divine appointment  in our lives and taught us in real time how to love “no matter what”. 

Those four months were the longest months of my life. I am very close to  my family. I worked with my mom, grandmother, and aunt every day that  year, lived with my brother, and acted like my little sister’s second  mama. My dad has always been a fierce protector and this season was  no different. I got to tell them ALL that I was pregnant, that it’s  unexpected and we had no clue what we are doing but, like so many of  you, we made it through those hard conversations. My mom cried while sitting on the couch that night. She wrapped me in a hug, which I  probably awkwardly tried to reject. She tried to promise me it was all  going to be okay. My Gran, while eating a ham sandwich in the stock  room of their retail store, assured me with every word that “we would get  through it.” My little brother, always the comedian, laughed. His baby  sister... I think he was just shocked. My Granny was concerned that my  daughter wasn’t going to have a last name because I wasn’t married!  Dear heavens... And my dad, he was so cautious of what all this meant  for me, for us. We have a big ol’, wild family, one that chose to love us  always, but we were all completely, utterly terrified. 

Lane and I did not get married until Ansley was 6 months old. He asked me to marry him the Christmas after she was born. I remember the  season being full of excitement, but also still in the trenches of hurt. If I  could change anything, it would be that. Time has been healing.  Learning to forgive as I have been forgiven has been life-changing. 

Looking back, I am able to see God’s provisions and mercies every step  of the way. I learned to lean into my relationship with Jesus that year. I  had no where else to turn, no way of seeing what the future would look  like. Choosing to trust and believe that He could direct my paths became very real and most days, my only hope. I found that I had a  God who hears me, a Savior who loves me unconditionally, and a friend  in Jesus. 

Fast-forward and we are still married! Now with two kids, Ansley and  Luke who provide our lives with a great deal of joy. 

Ansley is quiet, spunky, quick-witted, disciplined, rides horses, and is  on the drum line. She loves deeply, is a brave and courageous fighter  who would rather be with animals than people any day. She came into  the world this way. Her story began in this way. I believe it is who God  has created her to be. I look at her and I am filled with awe and wonder.  
Some days I am amazed at how close our story came to being so  different. In the next second, I am so incredibly grateful for all the life we  have gone through. I love to tell her the stories of overcoming the hard  together.

Luke is genuine, funny, loud, feels deeply for those around him, loves  life, and everything it has to offer. He plays lacrosse, is uber creative,  and bounces more than he walks. Relationships are important to him  and people give him energy. God has uniquely placed him into our story. Our family is better because he is in it. 

However, his first years were not easy either. I had to undo a lot of pain  and shame. In time, it has fallen away. Being a young mom with all the  stressors of life anyway. Feeling as though you are living a life so  different than your peers...  

Lane and I, man have we grown! We are learning what it feels like to  love each other deeper in each stage of life, to show up for each other  every day, even when it’s really hard. Each season has its joys and its  lows. Life is long. Forever is a journey. 

If there was one thing I wish I knew during my pregnancy and first  couple years, I think it would be that I was not “alone”. I knew my family  and friends were there for me, supporting me, being protective of me,  and trying to shoulder as much for me as they could.

Thank goodness!  

This was still mine to carry though, ours to wade through, figure out, and  fight for. I felt like I was the only one going through anything like this. If  only there had been a Baby Steps! 

The second thing I would say is— your story matters. It’s yours to tell  and yours to grow from and into. 
I spent years of my life trying to hide my story, simply because... it hurt. I  wasn’t always ready to share. It was easier to pretend some parts away  in certain settings or, act like we had it all together, all the time. Ha!  That’s really exhausting.  

As I have grown, I have offered myself the same grace that others gave  me, and forgiven a lot of past hurts. I have realized that it’s okay to live  truthfully and authentically. It’s also okay that it took time to get here. If  you’re anything like me, you’ll get here too. I sure hope so. Those  around us need to know your stories, they matter.

Remember, you too are a brave, courageous fighter who chose the  harder path. “Hang in there”... I promise it will all be better than just  “okay”. 

God has a plan, a purpose, and a path for you and your precious kiddos. 

You are never alone. 
With love, 
Haley Pugh Scheiblauer

***Disclaimer: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this post belong solely to the author, and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs and viewpoints of Baby Steps. 


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